
The Fountainhead P. 583-608

Wayward promotes Howard in his papers vigorously, dropping his name anywhere possible to give him attention. While he does it in an attempt to promote the popularity of Howard among the readers of the Banner, he is more hurt by the publicity of it, seen as “Wayward’s pet” (Rand, 590). He also got Roark commissions, “whose owners were open to pressure” (Rand, 591), trying to help Roark change the world, one building at a time.
Howard is becoming very exhausted, as he is constructing not only his regular commissions, but the housing project, the Cortlandt Homes, for Peter Keating. He finishes the project and has it accepted, but Wayward, seeing the design asks him about it, “Do you think I pick the things in my art gallery by their signatures? If Peter Keating designed this, I’ll eat every copy of today’s Banner” (Rand, 587). But Roark would not tell Gail why he did the project for Peter, or even admit that he had done it, keeping his word that he would not tell anyone about the agreement they had made. After completing the project, he goes out with Gail on his yacht to rest, admitting that, “I’ve overdone it” (Rand, 601), as he leaves for a few months. In this time Gail and Howard dissect the things that make society into something as ugly as it is. They end up calling the source of it the nature of people not having a self and thus named them “second-handres” (Rand, 605). Because they have no pride in themselves, not, “To be great, but thought great” (Rand, 605). Because they do not judge themselves by their own eyes, they never become happy, and can’t stand to see others who are. That is why people like Roark conflict with society, not on principles or ideas, but in the fact that he has his own and others don’t.

1 comment:

Danielle A3 said...

"That is why people like Roark conflict with society, not on principles or ideas, but in the fact that he has his own and others don’t."

So Howard Roark doesn't disagree with the principles and ideas of society? He only disagrees with people following those ideas and not making their own?

I don't understand how or why Wayword and Keating suddenly became interesed in Howard's work.